$('.foo'); // jQuery
d3.selectAll('.foo'); // D3
$('div'); // jQuery
d3.selectAll('div'); // D3
## Attributes
$('a').attr('href', 'http://vctr.me')
d3.selectAll('a').attr('href', 'http://vctr.me')
## Styles
$('div').css('color', 'red')
d3.selectAll('div').style('color', 'red')
(assuming our document already has 3 divs)
(assuming our document already has 3 divs)
+ instead of collections of elements
+ d3 selectors are collections of (data, element) pairs
+ assuming our document already has 3 divs
(our document has 3 divs)
d3.selectAll('div').data([18, 4, 7]);
data binding
d3.selectAll('div').data(['red', 'green', 'blue'])
.style('color', function(d){ return d})
data binding
d3.selectAll('div').data([18, 4, 7])
.attr('width', function(d){ return d + '%' })
(our document has no divs)
d3.selectAll('div').data([18, 4, 7]);
+ here's where things get really different
+ assuming our document does NOT have any DIVS
(our document has no divs)
d3.selectAll('div').data([18, 4, 7])
(our document now has 3 divs)
+ here's where things get epic
+ assuming our document does NOT have any DIVS
(our document has 3 divs)
d3.selectAll('div').data([18, 4, 7, 11])
(our document now has 4 divs)
+ here's where things get epic
+ assuming our document does NOT have any DIVS
(our document has 4 divs)
d3.selectAll('div').data([18, 4])
(our document now has 2 divs)
+ here's where things get epic
+ assuming our document does NOT have any DIVS
d3.selectAll('div').data([8, 3, 7])
.enter().append('div').style('opacity', 0)
+ just like with jQuery, the selector methods that don't return a new selector apply to each of the selected data/element pairs.
+ add three divs and set their opacity to 0
d3.selectAll('div').data([8, 3, 7])
.enter().append('div').style('opacity', 0)
.text('hello world')
.transition().style('opacity', 1)
+ add three divs, set their opacity to zero, slowly transition in their opacity